Sunday 14 December 2014

Focus Group and Findings

Focus Group Questions

1)      How can the format be improved to make it easier to interpret?

From this question I learned that the majority of people thought that the script would be easier to interpret if the stage directions and the speech were separate. This will help me to structure my third draft.

2)      What do you think about the characters and how their relationships portray atmosphere?

From this question I learned that people think that the relationships show a friendly atmosphere between the family members. It creates a very clear distinction between teenage boy and older male father through the use of comedy (the events that take place while Zach’s dad is trying to make him watch him putting up the shelves but Zach is not paying attention.) This lets me know that I should keep it in my third draft.

3)      How do you see Zach’s personality

From this question I learned that people see Zach as a lonely boy, who does his best to try and make the people around him laugh. He is a typical teenage boy that likes mystery and wants answers to everything he discovers. This helps me to improve Zach’s character to fit the success criteria made by my questionnaire.

4)      How do you see Mum’s personality

From this question I learned that people see Mum as a caring, loving mother. She is very much a stereotypical mum as she will stick up for her son no matter what. Although we don’t see very much of her. This helps me modify Mum’s character to make her more consistent throughout the script.

5)      How do you see Dad’s personality?

From this question I learned that people see Dad as a stereotypical dad. He is embarrassing, and wants his son to learn from him for the future. He tries to shape his son into a mini version of himself, much like every other dad. This helps me make Dad into a more consistent character throughout the script.

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