Sunday 14 December 2014

Episode Guide

Episode 1

-         Boy moves into new house with Mum and Dad
-         House is very old and mysterious
-         Boy begins unpacking
-         Boy explores house
-         Boy finds a room that is worn out, wallpaper ripped etc.

Episode 2
-         Boy is stood in the room from episode 1
-         Boy starts tearing off wallpaper
-         He finds a hidden door that is locked
-         Later on in the episode the boy finds the key under his floorboards
-         Boy unlocks the door in the mysterious room

Episode 3
-         Audience is shown what is behind the door for the first time. It is a tunnel with a light at the end
-         Boy crawls through the tunnel and towards the light. The light is a portal
-         Boy is transported to a new world that is like a forest
-         He hears noises and discovers that the people that live in this world are spirits
-         The spirits inform the boy that he is the only one that can save them by retrieving their bodies from a sorcerer that lives in a castle.
-         One spirit gives him a scroll, another gives him an amulet
-         Boy sets off on journey to castle

Episode 4
-         Sorcerer is preparing to fight the boy
-         Boy continues journey to castle
-         Boy finally gets to foot of hill
-         He reads the scroll and it tells him that the amulet can be used to reflect light and that this will kill the sorcerer
-         Boy sets off up the hill

Episode 5
-         Boy finds his way into castle
-         Boy encounters the sorcerer
-         Boy defeats the sorcerer
-         There is a flash and the spirits he met earlier appear in front of him in human form
-         They transport him home using magic

Episode 6
-         Boy is standing back in the mysterious room
-         He goes to lock the door and finds that it has vanished
-         Boy goes back to unpacking his belongings

-         Boy tells his parents what happened

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